2011年7月4日 星期一

18個撰寫research proposal的小秘訣(Eighteen tips for writing proposals)

         有鑑於最近要開始和論文奮鬥,於是跟著老闆的建議借了這本書,稍微瀏覽了一下確實是還蠻實用的,用字上也不會太難,果然是值得一看的好書! 期望自己也能做到作者建議的這幾點,這樣就不會口試的時候被電得太慘,哈哈。


1.          Clearly state the “big question” you hope to address
2.          Show why the big question is important
3.          State how your work both builds on and departs from work that had been done before
4.          State your theory and how it relates to the theories of others
5.          Show why your theory is better than its competitors
6.          Present pilot data
7.          Make sure that the research you propose fits the amount of time for which you are requesting funding
8.          Clearly state the proposed research, leaving no holes
9.          Be concise
10.      Be super-organized
11.      If your proposal involves empirical research, make sure that you clearly describe how you will analyze the data
12.      State clearly what the producibles of the work will be, especially for contracts
13.      Make clear what kinds of results you might expect, and why they will be interesting
14.      State your qualifications for doing the proposed research
15.      Request all the funds you need to do the proposed work, but no more
16.      Show that you have the facilities that you need to do the research
17.      Write a clear and compelling abstract
18.      Make sure that you have observed all formal requirements in writing the proposal

p.s. 有些建議是作者以尋求外在贊助的立場所寫的 (如15點),所以就當作參考囉~

Sternberg, R. J. (2003). The Psychologist's Companion: A Guide to Scientific Writing for Students and Researchers.

